The Gallbladder & Liver: Function & Role in Digestion from Chapter 17 / Lesson 8 282K The liver and the gallbladder are internal organs that aid the digestive system in breaking down food and regulating digestive enzymes. Learn about the functions of the liver and the gallbladder and the...
How do enzymes help digestion? Where in the cell is the enzyme that produces the most ATP during cellular respiration? How do enzymes affect activation energy? What is the primary function of the reactions that follow glycolysis in a fermentation pathway? What are the roles of enzyme inhibitors...
Sertoli cells are a type of supporting cell called a sustentacular cell, or sustentocyte, that are typically found in epithelial tissue. Sertoli cellssecrete signaling molecules that promote sperm production and can control whether germ cells live or die. What cell type produces testosterone? Leydig...
10. Name the cell organelle that contains hydrolytic enzymes capable of breaking down organic matter. Lysosomes Q11 11. Which cellular structure regulates the entry and exit of molecules to and from the cell? Cell membrane. It is a selectively permeable structure that controls the exit and entry...
Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas (a gland that releases a digestive juice into the intestine). The pancreas is composed of acinar cells, which produce digestive enzymes, and the islet cells of Langerhans, which producehormones. ...
Question: What are the products of anaerobic respiration in yeast? Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: Anaerobic Respiration | Definition, Equation & Types from Chapter 1/ Lesson 2 347K Learn the definitions of anaerobic and aerobic respiration. Discover the anaerobic respiration equ...
a comparable prevalence of NAFLD to men [25]. The proportion of Hispanic and White/Caucasian patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis was similar but was lower for African/American subjects [26]. These racial differences are likely due to genetic differences in the enzymes involved in alcohol ...
What is the pancreatic cell type that produces digestive enzymes? a. Which organ produces trypsin? b. How does the enzyme help in the digestion of food? What types of cells are found in gastric glands? What secretions do they produce?
Apart from water, vacuoles also act as storage organelles in plants. As such, they may also contain a number of metabolites including sugars, lipids, and proteins. In addition, they store salts, ions, enzymes, and toxins. These substances also play an important role in the movement of water...
What is the main function of the nucleolus? a. It produces cell adhesion proteins that are then exported to the cell membrane. b. Its function is not yet known. c. It produces enzymes that are then exported to the lysosomes. d. It is the site of ribosome- ...