Yes, our president is large and in charge, in perfect health considering his age. I am reminded of a brief scene in the Melanie Griffith 1988 movie, Working Girl, when the title character walks in on her then-boyfriend, stark naked on the bed with a naked woman. (Amusingly, the two-...
What is the Monetary Value of Slave Labor?: Restitution Based on a Traditional Fair Market Value Valuation Basis May Not Fully Compensate Human Labor Trafficking Victimstrafficking in person's law?"55 Their an- swer-"[e]xplicit provisions ensuring identified victimshave access 5 9 The desired ...
This also makes it very clear to people that there are more incentives to lock up people in this country. The US has become extremely attractive to companies who would usually use labor in 3rd world countries. They now look toward prison wages for all the advantages they offer a corporation....
Who would instantly have become president of the United States instead of having to wait a further eight years? From Quiz What If? Answer: George H.W. Bush John Hinckley Jr. attempted to assassinate US President Ronald Reagan outside of the Washington Hilton Hotel in order to impress "Taxi...
“the master of that slave will come on a day when he (the evil slave) does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know, and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites.” I always hear this;noman knows the day or the hour. I suppose the implic...
Once the teachers asked a Cambodian teenager who he admired the most, I was surprised by his answer: “President Jimmy Carter”. When Carter was president, this teenager was too young to have any meaningful understanding of who Carter was. He then explained, “President Carter allowed my famil...
When Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and George Atzerodt were sentenced to hang for co-conspiring to slay President Abraham Lincoln, their end was witnessed by a limited number of individuals who had received passes to the event. While thousands of people had applied to watch...
We cannot, like President Obama said in his eulogy of Rev. Clementa Pickney, “remain blind to the unique mayhem that gun violence inflicts upon this nation.” Let us remember that, as Dr. King said, “The time is always right to do the right thing.” That time is today. Virginia ...
Slave A drudge; one who labors like a slave. Pet (transitive) To stroke or fondle (an animal). Slave An abject person; a wretch. Pet To stroke or fondle (another person) amorously. Slave To drudge; to toil; to labor as a slave. Pet To treat as a pet; to fondle; to indulge. ...
Is SLAVE LABOR What Your Supply Chain Runs On?Is SLAVE LABOR What Your Supply Chain Runs On?In many businesses, supply chain management historically has fallen outside the core of the company's compliance function. But that was then. A renewed push this year by state, federal and internation...