eventinhistory:PREDESTINATIONTheEnlightenment Enlightenmentvalues–teleologicalviewbutsecularisedthegoal Historyisprogresstowardsthegoalofperfectingman‟sestateonearthImmanuelKant Historyistheunfoldingoftherationalplanresidentinnature Thereisanaturalorderandpurposeinnature,hencethereisorderandpurposeinthenatureofman‟s...
The incident that preceded it was a nice peaceful meditation session that resulted in what I call a flatline mind and what others like Shinzen and Bhante Vimalaramsi call “non-dual awareness.” I even have video of my state of mind after that meditation sessionhere. ...
Many things in our experience convince us that the historical event of the Enlightenment did not make us mature adults, and we have not reached that stage yet. However, it seems to me that a meaning can be attributed to that critical interrogation on the present and on ourselves which Kant...
施特劳斯认为,政治哲学是哲学的组成部分或一个分支:“哲学”表示处理的方式,本根的和整全的;“政治的”既表示主题又表示功能。(By calling this pursuit political philosophy, we imply that it forms a part of a larger whole: of philosophy; or that political philosophy is a branch of philosophy. In th...
(brutal dehumanization and enslavement) preceded the inequality that Black people face today in the New World. In fact,researchershave predicted the level of implicit bias in a US geographic region today based on the per capita enslaved population in that region in 1886. Basically, the degree to...
Thus, also in the field of the “forbidden,” the “clandestine” manuscript almost always preceded the “forbidden book.” As the numerous cases of seizure by the police and of penalties confirm (think of Bonaventure de Fourcroy, whose text survives at the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal only ...
Would a conjuration ceremony have scanned the unfolding of an immense critical discourse? Would it have accompanied that discourse, followed or preceded it like its shadow, in secret, like an indispensable and — if one can still put it this way — vital surviving, required in advance? A ...
My own enlightenment came from thinking about roughly a decade of reading and commenting on the website of theFinancial Times, a newspaper to which I have had fond, work-related ties going back to three weeks before I turned twenty-one, a whole geological era ago. I mention this because ...
War was a tool we used before we had a sense of what the future could become. Before the Renaissance, before the Enlightenment. We have better ways, now. You’ve heard that the idea called nationalism is all the rage these days. Each patriot felt the same passion, only with a different...
The first episode to air is “Friedrich Nietzsche: Apostle of Nihilism.” Nietzsche lived in the age of the so-called Enlightenment, which had marginalized or even gotten rid of the concept of God. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, founder of the Ruth Institute, says the philosopher carried the ide...