There are times whenMussafis said on Hanukkah, but that is because Hanukkah always has days that fall on Shabbat and Rosh Hodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The Torah is also always read on Hanukkah, typically short recitations from the Book of Numbers. However, unlike other ho...
You’ll have to label me as “Not Jewish.” This means, when I stand beside you on the bimah, there will be certain prayers I’m not permitted to say even though I can recite them by heart. I also won’t be allowed to hold up the Torah scroll despite my strength or dress it in...
Are YouSureThere’s a Satan? Yes, Virginia, thereisa Satan. And there’s a Purgatory too. The Jewish Bible says so, the Talmud says so, and even our Prayers mention them. Torah: The Blueprint of Creation What the Torah means to us and the world. Why study Torah? How to combat the...
When Jewish boys turn 13 and Jewish girls turn 12, they celebrate their birthday with a Bar and Bat Mitzvah. There are special prayers they say and that are said by the parents and, in the synagogue, the child may read from the Torah during Saturday prayers....
The sanctus - part of eucharistic prayers since the fifth century - is sung, set to Roxanna Panufnik's new coronation sanctus composition. The Lord's prayer is said. Holy communion is received by the King and Camilla. The ancient words of the Agnus Dei are sung at ...
Jews believe in individual and collective participation in an eternal dialoguewith God through tradition, rituals, prayers and ethical actions. Christianity generally believes in a Triune God, one person of whom became human. Judaism emphasizes the Oneness of God and rejects the Christian concept of ...
May all our prayers be answered, and may we hear only good news. Families of hostages using their opportunity to call on Trump to see the deal through. (credit: LIRI AGAMI) Parashat Va’Era: Exile of the Soul In this week’s parashah, when Pharaoh hears the demand to send the Jews ...
Other icons besides eyes and fish have also found their way into the hamsa, including theStar of David, prayers for the traveler, theShema, the blessing over the house, and the colors of red and blue, both of which are said to thwart the Evil Eye. ...
This week, many people across America are celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s powerful legacy through prayers, lectures and memories. But it is particularly important to reflect upon why King’s legacy means so much to Jews around the world, as well as in Atlanta. ...
kever, pl. kevarim– gravesite. It’s common to visit the grave of holy ancestors to pray there because it’s a supercharged space to pray, therefore, hopefully prayers said there will be more effective. Kiddush– the ritual of sanctifying the Shabbos or holiday, with a bracha and text ...