the mythical Pokémon Arceus (yes, it is mythical, not legendary, because it was obtained from an event) is the strongest base stat Pokémon. While many other Pokémon are almost tied for the top spot, for some reason, I always think Charizard is the strongest, even if that’s far from...
Following the last topic mega evolution is a mechanic that directly impacts the viability of certain Pokemon and how they face off against the meta. How will this change BW? lets find out!! Mega Evolution Mechanics remain the same from DPP, and keeps the original speed of the mega evolved ...
Garchomp by Matt Bankey Pokemon 1 Maxwell Rochette Fighter Hayabusa by Matt Bankey Pro Wrestling A WINNER IS YOU! by Matt Bankey Also, wrestling fighting style in Super Smash Bros. by Matt Bankey 1 Matt Bankey Mii Athlete by Matt Bankey Across Nintendo platforms Makes sense, gi...
Garchomp can be KOed or weakened by both pokemon especially when it comes to revenge killing. Latias has been OU for a year now and in all of the tests she has recieved a vote in the OU margin- except for the last round when it reached 60%. Now I k...
The only reason why we haveRainbow EnergyoverPEnergyisMist Slash.130 damage is a great number to hit for only 2 Energy, and the effect of bypassing any effects and always dealing damage can be great against opposing threats such as Latios-GX’sTag Purgeor a potentialFairy CharmP-holdingGarde...
In particular this gives me a strong way to also deal with threats like SD Garchomp and Manaphy which would be rather annoying to try to slot a check to on this team. Ditto is also really nice against stall teams whenever they might pop up. View attachment 630225 Kommo-o @ Lef...