Bee: Bees don’t want to use their stingers and the lose them and die when they do. They’ll only sting as a last resort if they or the nest is in immediate danger. Bees use their sting for protection where as wasps don’t. Wasp: Social wasps don’t seek people out to sting the...
According to the EPA, coffee grounds are a safe and effective way to keep pests away.Coffee grounds can help repel not only mosquitosbut also other annoying insects like wasps and bees. ... Coffee grounds have a strong smell but it's even stronger when they are burned. This smell will b...
Yes, nectar is what most adult wasps primarily feed on, which is why you’ll often find them in your garden. This also makes wasps great pollinators, alongside bees. Having non-aggressive wasps in your garden is a good thing since they can help your garden thrive better. Male wasps forag...
Wasps Wasps pose a threat to Oleander Hawk Moths, particularly during the larval stage. As a defense mechanism, moth larvae might eat toxic food plants, such as those in the nightshade family, which in turn make them less palatable to wasps. ...
When gall wasps are in the larva stage, they grow inside the balls until they mature. While inside, they feed off the nourishment provided by the ball and tree. Eventually, a full-grown gall wasp will emerge from the ball and do its thing. Eventually, those adults will do the same thin...
extraterrestrial insects crawling on the surface of leaves and near the roots. They can be quite a mess for your potato plants. They are known aspotato bugs, and if you have questions hovering in your mind, like What do Potato Bugs Eat and How to Get Rid of Potato Bugs, then you are...
Roses need plenty of breathing room to maintain good air flow around them and prevent black spot and other fungal diseases. Although some plants naturally repel aphids, others are good at attracting them. To help keep aphids out of your rose garden, aphid magnets like cosmos, nasturtiums, ...
These little balls are actually the home, so to speak, fora gall wasp. Adult gall wasps will inject a chemical into the leaf buds as they're forming, and these little green balls form in that spot, providing us with these funky-looking mini-apples. But you may not want to think about...
This is because both species attract braconid (parasitic) wasps. The wasps lay their eggs on lettuce-loving caterpillars, thus killing off the crawlers quite effectively. Try planting the alyssum in and around your lettuce plants, with yarrow as an edging crop nearby. ...
Spider crickets feed on almost anything they can get their mouths on, especially fabric, wood, fibers, plants, cardboard, fungus (their favorite), and more. While they won’t cause damage to your home’s structure or foundation the waytermitesorcarpenter antsmight, they have been known to ...