Native to North America, this perennial member of the mint family is also called hummingbird mint. It’s worth mentioning it spreads by rhizomesandself seeds. Drought tolerant once plants are established, Anise hyssop will thrive in full sun and dry soil. Deadheading the purple flowers will enco...
True Date Palm, scientific namePhoenix dactylifera, is one of the oldest cultivated plants. It was brought to the United States by Spanish missionaries a long time ago. Date trees can live for a long time reaching an age of 100 to 200 years. The date palm has a gray trunk covered with ...
parklike environment, more like a savanna than a forest. The trees are not so dense as to block the sun. This openness creates a forest floor that is among the most diverse in the world, where plants such as many-flowered grass pinks, trumpet pitcher plants, Venus flytraps, lavender ladi...
but there are just as many plants that are critically endangered, if not more. Those plants span the globe and consist of flowers, vines, shrubs, trees, herbs and more. Some plants appear similar to their common relatives, while others are unique. In the interests of ecological...
syncopationand swing, often considered essential and unique to jazz, are in fact lacking in much authentic jazz, whether of the1920sor of later decades. Again, the long-held notion that swing could not occur without syncopation was roundly disproved when trumpetersLouis Armstrongand Bunny Berigan...
Similar to other fruits, the plant does require several hundred hours of temperatures below 45 degrees, which are known as chill hours. Blueberry plants typically bloom during the spring, with harvests in late summer. In warmer climates, the blueberry season can start as early as March and la...
herbicideformulated specifically for broadleaf weeds such as onion grass. According to the North Carolina State Extension, “bruising the foliage before the application of post-emergence herbicides can help with uptake.” Stick to the label instructions and avoid non-target plants as much as possible...
While praying mantises are skilled predators, they also face threats from various animals. Some of their natural predators include: Birds: Many species of birds prey on mantises, picking them off while they’re perched on plants. Frogs: These amphibians can grab a mantis from the ground or ...
While mole crickets can destroy plants, they pose little risk to humans and pets. Are mole crickets dangerous?Experts consider these pests harmless to humans. They don’t sting humans and won’t eat materials like fabric and paper. Do mole crickets bite?Most experts believe mole crickets don’...
Winter sowing in spring time, plants are ready for transplanting Pros Easy. Seedlings don’t need to be hardened off. Cons Can’t watch germination because it happens under the soil. If seed does not germinate before spring, you have to wait a whole year to give than a second cold treatm...