What is a phylum? What phylum do jellyfish belong to? What is the phylum of algae? What phylum are snails in? What are the 5 classes of the phylum Arthropoda? What is the phylum of flatworms? To which class of the phylum Mollusca does a squid belong?
What phylum does euglena belong to? What phylum are cestodes in? What are the classes in the phylum Anthophyta? What phylum is Magnoliopsida in? What is the phylum of flatworms? What are the plants in the phylum Coniferophyta? What are plants in the phylum Coniferophyta used for?
Phylum Annelida: The phylum Annelida is better known as segmented worms. If you think of an earthworm, an organism many people are familiar with, you will note the series of indentations that make the worm look like it is made of a long chain of connected rings. Each ring is a segment...
sea anemones and coral. Two basic body types exist in this phylum, medusae and polyps. A medusa floats in the water column, with tentacles hanging down from its body in a ring around its mouth. Jellyfish have this body type. The polyp is like an upside-down medusa, with its...
Squid and octopuses belong to the same class called 'molluscs'. Both are head-footed aquatic animals. However, while studying a squid vs. octopus comparison, it was found that both these animals varied in their physical characteristics, habitat, and beha
special structures known as the nematocysts which help in capturing and paralyzing prey. Coelenteratessimply wave their tentaclesand when a prey comes in contact, the nematocysts inject the toxin that paralyses or kills the prey. Nematocysts are the most distinguishing feature of this phylum. ...
Which phylum does an animal belong to, if it has stinging tentacles and a mouth, but no anus? A. Annelida B. Cnidaria C. Porifera D. Platyhelminthes The Chiton, squid, and mussel all belong to the phylum Mollusca. What characteristics d...
Starfish belong to a large group of marine only animals called Echinoderms. There are many characteristics of animals within the phylum Echinodermata, a few of these characteristics include radial symmetry (symmetrical limbs around one central point), a flat body, and an absent head and tube feet...
Are all insects members of the phylum Arthropoda? Reptiles are grouped in what phylum? What is the coelom in members of the phylum Arthropoda used for? What are the taxa used in biological classification? What phylum are snails in? To which class of the phylum Mollusca does a squid belong?
What is the taxonomy of a starfish? What is the classification of invertebrates? What marine biome has the most biodiversity? What is aquatic ecology? What type of flora and fauna is living in the oceans? To which class of the phylum Mollusca does a squid belong?