Hemophobia :This is called the fear of blood. A person suffering from this cannot stand the sight of blood. He or she can get dizzy and even faint even if there is a very small amount of blood present. Aichmophobia :Aichmophobia is the fear of needles. People who suffer from this w...
A Phobia Known as Philemaphobia Philemaphobia, or philematophobia, the fear of kissing, is common among young and inexperienced kissers who are afraid of doing something wrong. In these cases, the fear is generally mild to moderate and dissipates quickly as the person gains experience. What ...
A phobia can be defined as an aberrant and intense fear of an object or situation, that poses little or no actual danger. Usually, a phobia is considered similar to a normal fear, but it is the extent to which a person is affected, that determines whether that fear has become a phobia...
With a phobia, your breathing gets quicker, your pulse speeds up, you sweat, there’s more glucose in your blood, increasing your energy, and your brain is unable to control these reactions. 有时,了解事物可能带来的危险是件好事。我们的大脑提醒我们注意可能存在的风险,但随后我们经常将风险合理化...
What are the signs & symptoms of trypanophobia? A phobia, like trypanophobia, can cause panic attacks that occur suddenly without warning. These panic attacks can occur when the fear is triggered. For someone with trypanophobia, a trigger can be seeing blood. Some of the physical symptoms ...
根据第二段中“With a phobia, your breathing gets quicker, your pulse speeds up, you sweat, there’s more glucose (葡萄糖) in your blood, increasing your energy, and your brain is unable to control these reactions.(患有恐惧症时,你的呼吸加快,脉搏加快,出汗,血液中葡萄糖含量增加,你的能量...
“An area called theamygdalain the brain is recognising athreatand preparing your body forfight or flight.” With a phobia, yourbreathinggets quicker, yourpulsespeeds up, yousweat, there’s more glucose in your blood, increasing your energy, and your brain is unable to control these reactions...
With a phobia, your breathing gets quicker, your pulse speeds up, you sweat, there’s more glucose in your blood, increasing your energy, and your brain is unable to control these reactions. 有时,了解事物可能带来的危险是件好事。我们的大脑提醒我们注意可能存在的风险,但随后我们经常将风险合理化...
IVs or having blood drawn. " ... Going down to the kitchen for a drink in the middle of the night. ... First dates. What is Somniphobia? Somniphobia isthe fear of falling asleep and staying asleep. You may feel that you will not be in control of what is happening around you when...
With a phobia, yourbreathinggets quicker, yourpulsespeeds up, yousweat, there’s more glucose in your blood, increasing your energy, and your brain is unable to control these reactions. But where does a phobia come from? Speaking to...