I guess my commitment phobia comes from wanting to stay open to all possible options. But in the process, some really great opportunities may have passed me by. My fear of commitment has steered me away from romantic relationships, children, real-estate, stable jobs, community, and likely man...
Why Focusing Only on the Light is a Form of Escapism For most of my life, I’ve grown up firmly believing that the only thing worthy of guiding me was “light” and “love.” Whether through the family environment I was raised in, or the cultural myths I was brought up clinging to...
This self-fulfilling prophecy can feel like a stranglehold that reinforces to you over and over that going outside or seeing people is a terrible idea. It's fear feeding fear, and once it starts, it may make you feel like throwing up or crying. This makes it difficult to break the ...
When I grew up and had my babies my body wouldn't produce labor because I had Tokophobia, a fear of childbirth. I thought I was going to die because I was pregnant, because that's what happened to my mother. I had two of my pregnancies induced. With my last child I finally exper...
She got out of bed, stayed in something less than her pajamas, went to the grocery store, and picked up some breakfast. How simple can life actually be? Instagram/@barbiez.caramel It is only people like us who actually get dressed in the morning. Who...
They stumble into the nearest tattoo parlor, pick a random design off the wall, and end up with a tattoo that looks like it was done by a toddler. The worst part of this is, it happens so often! Reddit.com/Bri_Cox2018 Throwing caution to the wi...
While we may be living in a brave new world of romantic fluidity, there’s also still plenty of good old-fashioned commitment-phobia floating around these days. And according to marriage and family therapist Nicole Richardson, that fear of settling down is a big part of what’s keeping so ...
The reason being the unchecked transphobia within the Scottish National Party (SNP). I remain fully committed to an independent Scotland, but events of the past few years, which have come to a head more recently, have convinced me that I cannot vote for a party in which transphobia goes ...
I’ve been throwing up all day, diarhhea, gagging, and have had horrible headaches. I’ve gone to my doctor several times and she’s tested me for this and that but, still it’s all been inconclusive. I think I’ve found my answer. I only found out because, I ran accross this ...
The Syrian government has learned so much from the Israeli government’s use of hasbara, of throwing the rock and hiding the hand. One can say that it realises that slick propaganda is the other side of military occupation and oppression. They are working hard at whitewashing Syria, pointing...