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synthesis phase, growth phase II and mitosis. The first three phases are collectively known as the interphase of mitosis. Mitosis is a stage of cell division which itself has several phases.
Telophase is the final phase of mitosis, and this is when the official division of one cell into two happens. First, the chromosomes relax back into chromatin and a nuclear envelope forms around each chromatin blob, making it into a brand new nucleus. A nucleolus appears in each of these n...
What is the final phase of mitosis called in which the two nuclei appear and the chromosomes disperse? What is somatic cell gene therapy? Which chromosomes are autosomes and which are sex chromosomes? What chromosomes belong to a normal human female autosomes?
What is the name given to new cells created at the end of cell division? What is the term for the cells that will eventually undergo meiosis to produce gametes? What are plants called when they are haploid and produce haploid gametes by mitosis?
Regarding the stages of Meiosis, what is the difference between Prophase I and Prophase II? If in Prophase I chromosomes are condensed and meet up to form homologous pairs, what occurs in Prophase II? If mitosis makes somatic cells, what does meiosis make? In which phase of Meiosis 1 does...
During mitosis, the organelles are split evenly between the two newly-formed daughter cells. Mitosis is the process of a parent cell that split evenly...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Try it risk-free for 30 days Try it risk-free Ask a question Our experts can answer ...
As its name suggests, DNA replication (i.e., synthesis) occurs during the S phase. During mitosis, a cell divides and splits its entire contents (including its chromosomes) between two daughter cells.As you can imagine, the cell cycle is a tightly regulated process. There are checkpoints ...
In mitosis, the diploid “parent” cell divides and produces two diploid “daughter” cells. However, in meiosis, the parent cell produces four haploid daughter cells (each containing half of the parent cells chromosomes, or 23 chromosomes). The critical difference between mitosis and meiosis is ...
患者,男,42岁。食欲不振、尿色深周。查体:皮肤黏膜均黄染,肝大,肋下2cm,轻度触痛,脾肋下未触及。实验室检查:总胆红素120 μmol/L,直接胆红素60 pmol/L,ALT200 p/L,ALp 100p/L,GGT100p/L,尿胆红素及尿胆原均呈阳性,彩超检查未见胆囊肿大及胆总管扩大。考虑其黄疸属于()