Female student: So, there was no plant life before 450 million years ago? Male professor: Very little according to fossil records. Anyway, geologists were intrigued by this hypothesis, which claims that as plants evolved and spread, they had an effect on the terrain and rivers. ...
April 4, 2019Date and time term collectionAdded guidelines for abbreviating days of the week. Changed the guideline for month abbreviations to say don't use a period. April 1, 2019mixed reality, mixed-realityAdded a topic to the A–Z word list. ...
The law applies to both data controllers and processors that generate over $25 million in annual revenue and either: Control or process personal data for over 100,000 consumers yearly, or Derive over 50% of the entity’s gross revenue from the sale of personal data and controls or processes...
As much as 31.5 million net tons of steel was imported into the U.S. in 2021, according to the American Iron and Steel Institute, which reported data from theU.S. Census Bureau.11 That was an increase of 43% from the previous year.11Reports indicated that job losses in the steel indu...
In this case, the base period omits the second quarter of the current year and the first quarter of the current year. It is made up of the four quarters of the preceding year. If the ex-employee files an initial claim after June 30 of the current year, then the employer could be a...
Boeing stock price: 75.36$ (Dec 31st, last day of business), outstanding shares ~755.6 million (as per the 2012 annual financial report)…Boeing market capitalization ~ $56.9bn Boeing market cap was then 80% higher than Airbus’ Evolution from end 2012 to March 2024: ...
However, there arefinancial aidoptions available for students. Semester at Sea, for instance, awards more than $5 million in funds annually through merit- and need-basedscholarshipsand grants. The program also matches one semester of funding for allPell Grantrecipients. Students may qualify for sch...
MALE PROFESSOR: About 30 years ago ageologistnamed Edward Cotter—that's C-O-T-T-E-R— uh, published a paper that contained a very interestinghypothesis. He was studyingancientrivers in a North American mountainchain.And he noticed that about 450 million years ago, rivers started tobehavedif...
Suspended losses can be carried forward for an indefinite period of time. You can begin deducting them when you have passive income or when you dispose of the property. Can I Deduct My Rental Losses From My Income? Rental losses are generally deemed passive income. As such, you can only de...
There is also the possibility that an employee is prolonging their illness or condition by attempting to work through it rather than resting or otherwise addressing it. This lengthens the period of time during which the loss of productivity will be a factor. ...