Note that if the data you update the profile with contains integer indices that overlap with the indices on data originally profiled, when null rows are calculated the indices will be "shifted" to uninhabited values so that null counts and ratios are still accurate. Merging Profiles If you hav...
Meteorites may be at the heart of many science fiction and disaster films; but when it comes down to real science, Earth is a big planet covered by large, uninhabited areas. When you consider the empty versus occupied planetary surface area, you have pretty low-if-wide-ranging odds--between...
Geise says Thomas Adams, in hisWorks(1630), includes the phrase: “The Devill hath Eleven poynts of the law against you; that is, possession.” This is the first confirmed example that associates “11 points of the law” with possession. Geise quotes other examples of the “11 points”...
93 athletes at those games accounted for 208 medals--bringing the percentage of Olympic athletes to take home medals down to just 12.6%. A decreasing number of summer Olympic events has made winning medals even harder
Brazilians love color, parties, and celebrations. They're always available for times of celebration with family, food, music, dancing, and fun. The annual Carnival parade in Brazil is the most famous and well-attended holiday in the country. A significant percentage of Brazil's tourist income ...
The emblematic giant wall gecko of Cabo Verde, Tarentola gigas, is restricted to the uninhabited Branco and Raso islets, and presents two subspecies. It is classified as Endangered, and locally Extinct on Santa Luzia Island; however, little information is known about its diet and behaviour. In ...