“Clinton suffered her biggest losses in the places where Obama was strongest among white voters,” meaning that this was “not a simple racism story.” There are plenty of people who voted for Obama in 2008 or 2012 who voted for Donald Trump in 2016. The...
gelliottmorris:To that point, Monica, I'd note just how confusing it is to credit any given leader or policy with overall economic growth: My modal expectation for Trump is that he will get some credit for the economic growth that happened in the last few years of Biden's presidency. As...
Reelection of US President Bill Clinton and most members of Congress due to voter ambivalence; Scandals and other controversies during the campaign period; Coalition politics played by social conservatives; People's lack of trust in Democrats to run the country.McWilli...
There have been recenthigh-profile and heinous crimesallegedly committed by people in the country illegally. But FBI statistics do not separate out crimes by the immigration status of the assailant, nor is there any evidence of a spike in crime perpetrated by migrants, either along the U.S.-M...
That’s what we see here. Voting them out. Is that because they like Mr. Trump? Not at all. He is a symbol. Most of the people who voted for him wouldn’t like him, wouldn’t want to have anything to do with him, are in fact sympathetic to a number of the iss...
Maybe 200 people gathered at the park’s northwest corner to condemn the election of Donald Trump, to soak up a bit of emotional support and to encourage each other to collect their energy for the fight ahead. Disappointing though the election might be...
geoffrey.skelley:That’s reasonable. A majority of Americans think Trump has a criminal past: In June 2019, 57 percenttold Quinnipiac Universitythat they thought Trump had committed a crime before he was president. That was a higher percentage than the share who felt he’d committed a crime ...
There’s no one perfect source of estimates of how subgroups have voted, but exit polls and other surveys generally show Biden beat Trump by more than 20 percentage points in 2020. But they have also voted for third-party candidates at higher rates, including in 2016, when Trump won the ...
Trump beat Harris in Imperial County by 463 votes. In 2020, Biden beat Trump in the county by nearly 25 percentage points. Including Imperial, Trump flipped nine California counties that voted for Biden. Hi, and happy Thursday. There are 46 days until Pre...
First, tariffs often have a regressive impact, disproportionately affecting lower-income consumers. Since tariffs lead to higher prices for imported goods, individuals with limited financial means, who typically spend a higher percentage of their income on basic necessities, may bear a heavier burden....