, I spent several weeks in Japan. It was my first time in the country, and I was excited to experience a culture that so many of my friends had grown to love. I was worried about travelling as a celiac due to soy sauce having wheat flour, and a large percentage of Japanese food ma...
A collection of public holidays when most of Japan is offered paid leave and has some free time to kill, it’s a period when a large percentage of the Japanese population undertakes both domestic and international travel. Other than how to say ‘Happy National Day’ in Japanese (it’s gu...
First, we have to get power back from those who have ruled the country in order to form a People’s government through a new election.We need to make sure it will be a government formed by National People’s Power (NPP).First solution is this.If we go along the old path, nothing w...
re: internal power, may I add a few words from the perspective of the Jinja Shinto. This is from the teaching of Sarutahiko Okami that Kaiso received from Tsubaki Okami Yashiro in Mie, Japan. MYO HO JIGEN JINPEN JINTSURIKI 妙法Myoho: it is to understand Kannagara. Kannagara is the law...
Christ Consciousness is a mystical term that refers to a spiritually evolved state of being. When we observe the life and message of Jesus Christ, we can see the qualities oflove, devotion, courage, and surrenderat the center of his teachings and example. The term ‘Christ Consciousness,’ ...