West Wing Playbook The preparations, personnel decisions and policy deliberations of Donald Trump's presidential transition. By signing up, you acknowledge and agree to ourPrivacy PolicyandTerms of Service. You may unsubscribe at any time by following the directions at the bottom of the email or ...
According to the agreements signed by Turkey, Russia and Iran last September in Sochi, Ankara would have the task of curbing the terrorist militias of the north-west of Syria, supporting the military actions of the NLF, but the resounding advance of HTS at al-Atareb, just like at Darat Iz...
Muslims are never going to condemn sharia because sharia is an intrinsic part of Islam. It is also not some law code that is printed and bound in volumes. Sharia is the IDEA of God’s law. Like other broad legal concepts like ‘American law’ or ‘international law,’ the Shar...
Water boarding has been around for centuries. It was a common interrogation technique during the Italian Inquisition of the 1500s and was used perhaps most famously in Cambodian prisons during the reign of the Khmer Rouge regime during the 1970s. As late as November 2005, water boarding was on...
“The state legislatures will say, ‘All right, we’ve been given this constitutional power,’”a Trump adviser explained.“‘We don’t think the results of our own state are accurate, so here’s our slate of electors that we think properly reflect the results of our state.” ...
I want the Iranians to know that if I’m the president, we will attack Iran. In the next ten years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them. 1:07 Clinton: And the grand-godfather of this global brand of ext...
Once you’re in Iran you’ll see how colorful the scarves are and you’ll want to buy many, even to use for your neckline later. The coat or scarf need not be black – it’s a myth. Don’t worry if your hair is sticking out of the scarf. Apart from a small percentage of olde...
The reality is that if theProtocols of the Elders of Zionwas a legitimate historical item, the Zionism it depicts is no more representative of Jews as a people than Wahhabism is of the global Muslim community – which is to say that only a relatively small percentage of Muslims in...
The most recent four week running average for net crude oil imports, as a percentage of crude oil inputs, in US refineries is consistent with what we have seen for a while, 43%. This would seem to be inconsistent with a large build in actual crude oil (45 and lower) inventories, and...
T here are days in New York—surprisingly many of them, all things considered—when it’s almost possible to forget that we are living in an age of terror. And then there are days, like last Thursday with its headlines out of London, when that gri [...]