He is doing better with the food, but still smokes. I have been on this pro health diet for years – all he has to do is eat what I eat. He still has his rice crappies and cornfakes. Kalvin, I have been trying to convince him of better nourishing food for 26 years, stubborn ...
That makes it a good home for weirdos. My friend’s hairdresser smokes weed every night and supports gay marriage, even though she’s pro-life and a passionate supporter of the Heartbeat Bill that Texas passed. I also know of a gun-carrying Greenpeace advocate, and an uber-masculine, tatt...
The stories of blown in inheritances and other windfalls makes me think frugality, FI and early retirement will always be reserved for a small percentage of the population. Frankly, I kind of like it that way. I mean, can you imagine if I had to put up with crowds at the beach on re...