A‘standard pass’ under the new system is a 4 (equivalent to a grade C), with 5 being a ‘strong pass’;most school league tables are based on the percentage of pupils who achieve a 5 or above in maths and English GCSEs and many sixth forms ask for a minimum number of 5s and 6...
The test indicates the percentage of students who are predicted to achieve at least a grade 4, 5 or 7 in their GCSEs. The results of the test are analysed each year and changes are taken into account when final GCSEs grades are awarded. This process aims to ensure that grade inflation ...
In this guide you’ll find out how GCSE and A-level grade boundaries are set, why they change from year to year and what it means for your students in 2024.
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Interesting article. I was looking at a couple six year programs at a med school in Bulgaria. out of curiosity, how difficult would it be for a person to pursue a medical degree in say Bulgaria and then move back to the US to practice medicine?
3. What percentage of the electromagnetic spectrum are we able to see with our own eyes? Electromagnetic Spectrum. Credit: kcvs.ca. Some satellites like Sentinel 2A and 2B are able to detect infrared wavelengths. Living plants absorb red light and use it for photosynthesis, but reflect green...
Only the Golden State Warriors attempt and make more 3-point shots per game than the Celtics. So, they do take a lot of them. They also make a pretty high percentage, too. But House is absolutely right. When the 3-pointers aren't falling on a particular night, what ...
Not only is that 2.3 percent higher than Boston’s already boosted assist percentage while winning 11 of its last 13 overall, it’s 6.2 percent higher than Boston’s assist percentage for the season (59.5 percent, 16th in the NBA).
A survey conducted at the end of last year showed that the area that donated most to compelling causes as a percentage of their income was Liverpool. This did not surprise me at all. There is an incredible generosity of heart and spirit in our city. Whether people are short of food, lon...
English and could teach effectively with Y2 and Y6, might not also be so comfortable with L6 maths. However, if a teacher is not super confident teaching L6 maths, they shouldn’t be doing it – surely?! But that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be taught. ...