Fourteen percent of Americans say they had been victims of packaging theft in the past 12 months. So, discreet packaging can deter porch pirates from stealing packages to help curb this issue. Here are common high-value products that use discreet services: High-end technology or gadgets. Medicin...
Fewer see health dangers in marijuana with 65% saying vaping THC is harmful and 58 percent of adults saying smoking marijuana that contains THC is harmful. The nationally representative survey of more than 1,000 adults was conducted Sept. 19-24. WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT E-CIGARETTE SAFETY? Heal...
Based on our survey of U.S. adults, my colleagues and I found that Americans are more willing to speak up and object to other people smoking than to other people vaping inpublic placessuch as restaurants, bars and parks. For example, about 50 percent of the participants in our survey sai...
While Sharfstein may sometimessay things like, “Unlike combustible tobacco products, if appropriately regulated, ecigarettes have the potential to help save the lives of many Americans,” he generally advocates the same strategies supported by anti-vaping leaders like Matthew Myers of Campaign for To...
” to the nonexistent cheap seats. “Marissa, can we do 75 percent on this next one?” Hart asks after she calls cut. Winokur dials it back just enough as she pulls a book off the shelf and says, “A Christmas Carol: Charles Dickens. They say that Belle was his muse.” This last...
there does exist a sliver of possibility that you’ll have to STFU because your friend has successfully self-diagnosed and is part of the4 percent of Americans who have ADHD. But figuring that out would require him to confirm that with a real doctor, who wouldrun a bunch of teststo make...
About 1 in 5 meditate, do breathing exercises, or stretch. Twenty-two percent have a cup of tea or other non-alcoholic beverage, while 15% use alcohol to unwind. Twenty percent have a cigarette or vape, and 19% smoke marijuana.