people who are incarcerated members of Native American tribes; undocumented immigrants families whose income is so low that they are not required to file a tax return individuals who would have to pay more than 8 percent of their income for insurance, after taking into account employer contribu...
Approximately 40 percent of the inmate population is incarcerated for a current or past sexual offense at these federal prisons. This reduces the level of prison politics, making the facilities safe for vulnerable populations. List of Medium Security Federal Prisons by State Below, we present a ...
The United States is one of only nine democratic nations in which general elections are held on a weekday. Under a law enacted in 1854, federal elections, including presidential elections,must be held on Tuesdays. This requires millions of Americans to vote while working around the demands of ...
and while the tide ofcognizant adultsis turning, there are still millions of people in the USA who do not acknowledge our country’s horrific, genocidal,colonial history. I’ve written aboutNative American women’s activismin the States before, but today I want to bring your...
The NYPD conducted stop-and-frisks on more than 5 million people during the Bloomberg era. 86 percent of those detained by police were African American or Latinx. Of those searched for weapons and contraband, at least4.4 million were innocent. In 2011, the peak of the stop-and-frisk era ...
Eight to ten percent of male homicides in America are committed by a police officer. That is a shocking statistic, but sadly does not surprise me. It sickens me. African Americans are five times more likely to be incarcerated than whites, and the disparity between the sentences that people ...
In 2011, one million women were incarcerated or controlled by the Justice system, in which 68 percent of these women were black (Gross 32). Mass incarceration is a process of overfilling prisons with prisoners, who have committed minor and major crimes. The main targets were African Americans...
So little of what one is threads itself through the eye of empty space faith,personal Against the Nashville Statement faith,links,medicine,music,personal Links for July 16, 2017 parenting,personal This Too Shall Pass criminal justice,politics ...
When his The Seven Percent Solution came out in 1974, I nabbed it. I had never heard of Nicholas Meyer. I followed him to The West End Horror two years later. I can’t remember if I read his third, The Canary Trainer, but after The Wrath of Khan (the best Star Trek movie), I ...
Islam is the most discriminated religious belief in the US. According to surveys, 82 percent of Americans believe that Muslims are discriminated against in the country, and 63 percent agree that believing in Islam would stifle opportunities for personal development in American society. Hate crimes ag...