Through radio, blackboard, speech competition, knowledge competition, the development theme class meeting, publicity of the importance of protecting our campus environment, the necessity, form "real small is my home, beautiful depends on everybody" good atmosphere; Start everyone from yourself and sta...
Part of Speech Adjective, noun, adverb Noun, verb 5 Typical Usage Describes elevation or intensity Expresses emotion (sadness, relief) 15 Emotional Connotation Excitement, happiness, danger Sadness, relief, tiredness 13 Physical Representation Elevated positions, high measurements Breathing out slowly with...
The concept of danger, however, can also include perceived threats, where the level of risk might be subjectively evaluated or influenced by personal experiences and societal norms. 6 ADVERTISEMENTComparison Chart Part of Speech Adjective Noun 8 Definition Describes something that can cause harm. The...
week.Thatisonehourbetween8p.m.and9p.m.onFriday,SaturdayandSundaymostweeks. LiZhanguohastwochildrenaged4and8.Eventhoughtheydonothavesmartphones,they enjoyplayingonlinegames.Likemanyotherparents,Liishappywithnewgovernmentrules.But expertssayitisunclearifsuchpoliciescanhelppreventaddictiontoonlinegames.Childrenmi...
___of the twin sisters are good at dancing. (同上) Andy wants to be a doctor. He’s going to a ___(medicine)school when he leaves middle school. His speech is ___(main) about the best way to learn English. Lisa wants to be a famous ___(piano) like ...
1(hundred)ofpeoplespentgoodmoneyonanexperience2theyknewwouldinclude3(crowd),difortanddanger.Forthesepeople,4(climb)Qomolangmaisanexperiencelikenoother,makingsomefeelweakandothers,5___ (power).BritishmountainclimberGeMallorywrotethatclimbingQomolangmaistoenjoylife.However,Mallorydiedonthemountainin1924.Anditis...
= (It is) needless to say (that) …= It is obvious that … 例: It goes without saying that it pays off to keep early hours. 不用说早睡早起是值得的。 2. 在各种……之中,……Among various kinds of …, … / = Of all the …, … ...
___(由……负责)myuncle.;教材原句p.57Aheadofitstime,thesubmarineisalsoasecretfromtherestof theworld.这艘潜水艇是一个超越时代的发明,并且一直是一个不为人知的 秘密。 2aheadadv.在前面 Wemustacceptthechallengeaheadofus.我们必须接受我们面前的挑战。 Wearetryingtolookaheadandsee...
Part of Speech Adjective (describing a feeling) Noun (the emotion), Verb (the act of feeling this emotion) 14 Context Personal, immediate reaction General, can be specific or abstract 11 Expression Used to describe someone's state of being Refers to the emotion itself or the action of experi...
Oliver Wendell Holmes defined a “clear and present danger test” to determine whether speech is protected by the First Amendment in such cases. This established the principle that an individual who is a “clear and present” danger to U.S. security would not have the right to free speech....