Easter is determined by the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox (March 21). This means Easter can fall anywhere between March 22 and April 25 each year. Since Holy Week is tied to Easter, its dates—Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday—shift each ...
When the miniseries made its debut during Holy Week 1977, Zeffirelli recalled, Paul VI endorsed the project in a Palm Sunday address, declaring, “Tonight you are going to see an example of the fine use which can be made of the new means of communication that God is offering man.” Deter...
Theatre. We started the year with two musicals in Madrid:School of Rock(thanks to a wonderful invitation from my sister Beatriz!) andFabiolo connection(which was hilarious). Luca and the kids then attendedAladdinby the Secret Pantomime Society in Pibrac. At the end of the school year we als...
89. That sixty p___ of the pupils are boys means that of every hundred pupils sixty are boys. 90. We don’t know a bit about him. He is a p___ stranger to us. 91. Her p___ in the play was very good. 92. He p___ her to go to school, even though she did not want...
t.) To wear out; to remove or destroy utterly by any means; to render imperceptible; as. to obliterate ideas; to obliterate the monuments of antiquity. Obliterate (a.) Scarcely distinct; -- applied to the markings of insects. Obliteration (n.) The act of obliterating, or the state of ...
Palm Sunday, is followed by Resurrection Sunday! A Sunday of glorious victory. It is that victorious mode that God invites YOU, to come too. Not a place of pain, but one of joy. So here’s your chance to give those “four days” a different look, feel, and status. ...
“I decide how to react to this event before me. But it also means, what? It means that if I suffer, if I can’t turn that bad thing into something good, maybe I haven’t tried hard enough, or I haven’t known how to do it. …And that’s what causes so many people today ...
After Jesus died, His disciples continued to preach the gospel of the kingdom and the role of Jesus Christ. And even after their deaths, so did their followers. Interestingly, while some act like the law of God was done away, the reality is that early Christians considered that it was pa...
that whereas others addressed him upon occasions as “Son of David”-the blind beggar by the wayside, for instance, and the crowds on Palm Sunday-he habitually used of himself that other Messianic title “the Son of Man,” because he who came to redeem the world belonged to all mankind....
89. That sixty p___ of the pupils are boys means that of every hundred pupils sixty are boys. 90. We don’t know a bit about him. He is a p___ stranger to us. 91. Her p___ in the play was very good. 92. He p___ her...