could be alone in the universe. The first reason Earth was able to become this welcoming blue sphere is because it's at just the right distance from the Sun, in a narrow zone not too hot and not too cold, where the temperatures are compatible with liquid water and life....
A. There must be life on other planets in NASA says the planets are circling around a small nearby the solar called TRAPPIST-1. The star is not hot like the sun. It's B. Since there's life on the earth, there must be life outside, meaning liquid water could ...
C. Liquid water could have formed on other planets as well. D. The student should consider a variety of conditions that support life. 你的答案: 正确答案:A 题目解析: 后才能查看题目解析,还没有账号?马上注册 本文生词0 显示文中生词 登录后才能收藏生词哦,现在登录注册> ...
It's cool, meaning liquid water could survive onplanets orbiting close to it.Scientists say further study is needed to determinewhether these rocky planets could support any life forms.But they agree that the new discovery shows the possibilitythat many other Earth-sized planets could be out ther...
The idea was that trapped greenhouse gases in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars might have caused temperatures to rise enough to compensate for the low heat the young Sun provided. And so it would have been warm enough on these planets for liquid water to exist. So what gas do you think...
So we're approaching a phase where the water is close to leaving the ice. Once we lose the water, we see a whitish film on the surface.所以我们正在接近一个水将要脱离冰的阶段。一旦失去水,我们就会在表面看到一层白色的薄膜。That's new molecules that have formed. At the end, we have ...
It's part of the reason we look so feverishly for water on other planets across the universe and consume it consistently every day here on Earth.这也是我们为什么如此热切地在宇宙其他星球中寻找水源,也是我们每天持续消耗它的原因。So what would happen to your body if you stopped drinking water?...
We have been discovering planets orbiting around other stars. Still, most of those have been Gas Giants whose lives could not exist because there was no water, land, or atmosphere to survive. Whilst in our solar system, the rocky planets are closest to the Sun, and the gas giants are on...
Knowing what water looks like on radar, scientists believe they found it underneath those ice caps — a mile beneath Mars’s surface. High salt content can keep the water liquid even at -90 degrees Fahrenheit, and NASA’sresearchsuggests Mars once had more water than the ...
This branch of science includes research into what the globe might have looked like in the past, the way it might appear in the future and how it fits into the universe as a whole, which facilitates comparisons with other planets like Venus and Mars. ...