What organs are inside the rib cage?The Rib Cage:The rib cage consists of 12 pairs of ribs. Seven pairs are true ribs (connected directly to the sternum), three pairs are false ribs (connected indirectly to the sternum), and two pairs are floating ribs (not connected to the sternum)....
There are two distinctions for cancer found in the stomach. Primary stomach cancer refers to cancer that begins in the cells of the stomach before spreading to other parts of the body. Secondary, or metastatic, stomach cancer begins elsewhere and the body and spread to the stomach through metas...
Which of the following organs are retroperitoneal viscera (腹膜外位器官)? A. spleen B. kidney C. pancreas D. urinary bladder E. ureter 查看完整题目与答案 Which of the following organs are intritoneal viscera (腹膜内位器官)? A. stomach B. gallbladder C. pancreas D. tr...
Switching between types or brands of dog food too quickly can upset your dog's stomach and lead to diarrhea. Their gut needs time to adapt to the new food.Giving your dog a new treats without slowly introducing them can lead to diarrhea as well, especially if they are harder to digest ...
Connective tissues support your organs, attach muscles to bones, and create scar tissue after an injury. Cartilage is an example of a connective tissue. There are many types of connective tissue disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma. The most common affected areas are ...
The function of the rugae in the stomach is to allow it to expand when full of food. The stomach is an organ that changes size often due to the amount... Learn more about this topic: Stomach Facts: Lesson for Kids from Chapter 3/ Lesson 43 ...
A hiatal or paraesophageal hernia occurs when the GE junction, the stomach, or other abdominal organs such as the small intestine, colon, or spleen move up into the chest where they do not belong. There are several types of paraesophageal hernias. Type I is a hiatal hernia or sliding ...
Laparoscopyis a procedure used to look inside your abdomen. A piece of tissue may be removed from your ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowels, or other organs. The tissues are sent to a lab for tests to see if endometriosis is present.
Digestive:The digestive system consists of a series of connected organs that together allow the body to break down and absorb nutrients from food and remove waste. It includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach,small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus. The large intestine is home to microorga...
surgerymaybeusedinthetreatmentofgastriccancerdependingonmany factors. Surgery Sugeryisacommontreatmentofallstagesofgastriccancer.Thefollowing typesofsurgerymaybeused: •Subtotalgastrectomy:Removalofthepartofthestomachthatcontains cancer,nearbylymphnodes,andpartsofothertissuesandorgansnear thetumor.Thespleenmayberemov...