What are membrane-bound organelles? What is the function of organelles? What organelle has both an inner and outer membrane? Which organelle makes the proteins that are needed by the cell? What do chloroplasts do in a plant cell? Which cellular organelle is the most prominent?
A Rigid Layer for a Cell: A plant cell is a type of eukaryotic cell that has many organelles working together to help the cell function smoothly. It has many of the same features as an animal cell, but has an extra structure for support. ...
Organelles are elements inside a cell that possess a double plasma membrane like the one surrounding the cell as a whole. The more notoriousmembrane-bound organellesinclude: •Nucleus:This contains the cell's DNA. The nucleus is often excluded from discussions of "organelles" because of its sta...
Plant Vacuoles are prominent organelles occupying a significant portion of a plant cell's volume, often giving the cell its turgid appearance. Animal Vacuoles, in contrast, are much smaller in size and more transient in nature, adjusting based on the cell's needs. 15 ...
The organelles within a cell are known as the ''little organs'' that help with maintenance and thriving aspects of the cell. The organelles are very important when it comes to the cells making energy, getting rid of wastes, and storing our genetic structure....
Organelles contain highly technical equipment required for specific jobs within the cell. One example is the mitochondrion— commonly known as the cell's "power plant" — which is the organelle that holds and maintains the machinery involved in energy-producing chemical reactions (Figure 3). Figure...
Plant cells have several types of cells that perform multiple functions. The least specialized plant cell is the parenchyma cell, which metabolizes and store food. Collenchyma and sclerenchyma cells help support the plant. Xylem cells conduct water whilephloemconducts food. Epidermal cells cover the...
Plant cells are the only cells which have a cell wall. The cell wall surrounds and protects each cell, with a very rigid and firm structure. This allows plants to maintain their height and keep their shape. Answer and Explanation:
DigitalVision/GettyImages Lesson1-1 Aplantcellcontainschloroplasts,whichareorganellesthatmakefood. Unlikeananimal cell,arigidcellwall surroundsaplant cellandhelpsprotect andsupportit. Aplantcellalso containsalarge centralvacuole. Whatisaplant?(cont.) Lesson1-1 Mostplantshaveroots,stems,andleaves. Rootsanc...
Large storage organelles in cells. Vacuoles in plant cells store water and maintain turgor pressure. 10 Vesicle Forms from the ER or Golgi. After protein synthesis, vesicles bud off the ER. 8 Vacuole Maintains osmotic balance. Vacuoles absorb water to help the cell expand. 10 Vesicle Involved ...