Acupunctureis a common practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The premise of acupuncture is to restore energy balance and organ function by manipulating specialized needles at one or more of 361 designated points along 14 energy meridians.20With acupressure, the idea is similar, but without...
Checking too often can make you hypersensitive to things that may or may not matter, in some cases placing you in a constant state of anxiety. And anxiety can lead to poor gut function and a potential worsening of IBS symptoms.11 Summary Changes in the color or consistency of stools may m...
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Pelvic prolapse is a condition where a pelvic organ such as the bladder or uterus drops into a lower-than-normal position and in some instances protrude into the vaginal canal. This condition results in pelvic pain that is pressure-like and may include vaginal and back pr...
Before the operation, your surgeon or specially trained nurse will find the best spot for your stoma -- usually the flat front part of your abdomen. The surgery will differ based on the type of procedure you need. Generally, your surgeon takes part of an internal organ, such as the bowel...
Pelvic prolapse is a condition where a pelvic organ such as the bladder or uterus drops into a lower-than-normal position and in some instances protrude into the vaginal canal. This condition results in pelvic pain that is pressure-like and may include vaginal and back pressure. Usually, there...
What is the main cause of diarrhea? The most common cause of diarrhea is a viral infection. Why do I have extremely watery diarrhea? There are many possible reasons to have watery diarrhea, such as infections to lactose intolerance or diseases that affect your liver, pancreas, and intestines....
Type 5/Type V:This type is needed to make the surface of cells, as well as hair strands and tissue found in women’s placentas (the organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy, provides oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby, and removes waste). ...
I am now living my life as if he could leave us anytime as the chemo can also affect his heart condition. Can you do one more episode like a foreword for instance? One that could possibly convince folks like my husband to at least watch the series. Something short and to the point ...
Though the same things in both sexes can trigger oxytocin, it may affect males and females differently. For example, the hormone may heighten a man’s sense of competitive relationships, though women might feel emotions related to caring and closeness. Researchers currently believe this may be due...
Thus, principal questions are: Can metabolic liver disease affect the functions of the gastrointestinal tract leading to syndromic manifestations typical of IBS and may the bowel dysfunction lead or otherwise support the development of a chronic hepatic inflammatory state GUT MICROBIOTA The gut microbiota...