Sakura Cardcaptor (the old one) Year Released: 1998 Theme: Magical Girl, Fantasy, Romance Number of Series: 1 (with a sequel, 'Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card') Studio: Madhouse 'Cardcaptor Sakura' (1998) is a classic magic school anime that has enchanted generations of viewers. The story...
Card captor Sakura AMV / Сакура - ловецкартклип 85 人观看 1:10 Card captor Sakura/Tsubasa Chronicle AMV 72 人观看 0:21 【xN✪Sx】Run Devil Run Part 1 Card captor Sakura AMV / Сакура - ловецкартклип ...
Not one to watch while you’re hungry, or you’ll find yourself reaching for your phone to order something delicious to order. An incredibly funny, and self-aware series, Food Wars is a great watch for some light-hearted comedy. Yukihara, the son of a beloved little Japanese diner enroll...
ButA Silent Voiceis still the one that I place on a pedestal. Given the subject matter, it is a difficult watch at times — content warnings for bullying and suicide are a must. But if you watch only one piece of animation that has come out of Japan in this decade, this is the one...
upon entering the so called “Goddess’ Dormitory.” This is where the local college houses the girls who are too eccentric or unruly to fit in anywhere else, and they desperately need someone to maintain order and keep watch over them. Can Koushi possibly fit in as their “Dorm Mother”?
Because it managed to win the Anime Grand Prix and since I've seen most of the winners already I figured "why not?" This compares to the likes of Mobile Suit Gundam, Ideon, God Mars, Nausicaa, Castle in The Sky, Evangelion, Nadesico: Prince of Darkness, Cardcaptor Sakura, Gundam SEED...