Resident Evil 3 RemakeResident Evil 7Star Wars Fallen OrderThe Evil Within 2Watch Dogs Legion For the record i had played every single game of relevance released up to the Q4 of 2016 (defective GPU) and in between 50 to 100 games up until 2024. Mostly quality indies and the such. Also...
The creature is the representation of Martin Fitch’s daughter, Scarlet, who was brutally murdered by him as a sacrifice for the Order’s god. Many also believe the creature, as well as many of the game’s other monsters to be reincarnations. 5. Asphyxia (Silent Hill: Homecoming) Image...
Are turn-based battles really the key identifying feature for Final Fantasy games? We’d argue not, and it’s not been that way for a long time at this point Going back to The Legend of Zelda, we would argue that, much like Resident Evil and Final Fantasy, its identity can be felt ...
Looking for a new way to shop? Shop Poshmark and get free shipping on your first order! first awkward hangout with guy I met this guy close to where I live and we are in the same school. He has tried before to talk to me. But I'm in fourth year so my head is busy. One day...
We finally know what the PlayStation 5 looks like. After a long time under wraps, it was shown at Sony's digital briefing today, alongside a slate of games. There will be two configurations that we know of: the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 digital edition. They look similar, but ...
Third-person games do weird things with scale in order to look 'right' when the camera is pulled that far back, and interactions are usually simplified to finding the right room or hitting 'use' on a desk/bookshelf model in the room, rather than searching through it yourself. O...
Anyway, the topic at hand. So according to the spreadsheet I keep updated, I currently have 506 games altogether, of which I've probably completed about 20 or 30 at the most. So much so I joined a subreddit to try and challenge myself to start working through my backlog, because at...
the people that want to save money on a system will want the disk drive for things including but not limited to backward compatibility, used games, the ability to be a UHD movie player, etc. in order for digital editions to be worth it, they'd need to be signific...
Resident Evil 3 RemakeResident Evil 7Star Wars Fallen OrderThe Evil Within 2Watch Dogs Legion For the record i had played every single game of relevance released up to the Q4 of 2016 (defective GPU) and in between 50 to 100 games up until 2024. Mostly quality indies and the such. Also...
Resident Evil 3 RemakeResident Evil 7Star Wars Fallen OrderThe Evil Within 2Watch Dogs Legion For the record i had played every single game of relevance released up to the Q4 of 2016 (defective GPU) and in between 50 to 100 games up until 2024. Mostly quality indies and the such. Also...