Theorem 1 resembles other theorems in density Ramsey theory, such as Szemerédi’s theorem, but with the notable difference that the pattern located in the dense set is infinite rather than merely arbitrarily large but finite. As such, it does not seem that this theorem can be proven by purel...
As the night wears on, the moon's eastward orbital motion will carry it between Mars and Pollux, and the diurnal rotation of the sky will rotate the twins above the moon and Mars. Sunday, March 9 - Daylight Saving Time Begins Daylight Saving Time Begins (Image credit: Chris Vaughan/...
In fields like astronomy, inclination is crucial for understanding the orbits of planets and satellites, describing the angle between the orbital plane of an object and the plane of reference, usually the celestial equator or another significant plane. Slope, however, is more concerned with terrestri...
The term "light-year" was first coined by German scientist, astronomer, mathematician and physicist Friedrich Bessel in 1838, when he measured the distance from Earth to a star called 61 Cygni, and came up with a distance of 660,000 times Earth's orbital radius. He calculated that light wo...
Iorio, L., and Giudice, G., What do the orbital motions of the outer planets of the Solar System tell us about the Pioneer anomaly?, New Astron, 11, 600-607, 2006.L. Iorio and G. Giudice, "What do the orbital motions of the outer planets of the Solar System tell us about the ...
The Mars Exploration program began in 1993. The program was spearheaded by NASA with the intent to explore as much of Mars as possible. Specifically, the mission was the investigate Mars’ habitability. To accomplish this, they’ve used orbital spacecraft, landers, and of co...
The pattern of stars in the sky is fixed: the stars are so far away, they don’t appear to move relative to each other. Against this fixed starry background, the Sun, the Moon, and the planets do appear to move, because they are much closer to Earth. How close are the planets com...
If we add two 100 digit numbers together we have to do 100 additions. If we add two 10,000 digit numbers we have to do 10,000 additions. See the pattern? The complexity (being the number of operations) is directly proportional to the number of digits n in the larger number. We ...
How and why do solar eclipses occur? A solar eclipse is caused by the moon passing between the sun and Earth, casting a shadow over Earth. When the moon crosses the ecliptic — Earth's orbital plane — it is known as a lunar node. The distance at which thenew moonapproaches a node ...
Starting at the Sun, there’s a 93-million-mile commute to Earth. Much farther than that and it stops making sense to measure in miles. Astronomers use that 93-million-mile distance, the average orbital distance of the Earth, as a unit of distance called an astronomical unit (AU). To ...