2. Jewish people refer to the Old Testament as the Hebrew Bible, Hebrew Scriptures, or the Tanakh, and recognize the same 39 books as authoritative that Protestants do. 3. The Hebrew Bible divides the material into 3 major sections instead of 5: the Law, the Prophets, and the W...
The Old Testament points us to Jesus. Jesus teaches the same message in Luke 24 when He goes through the Old Testament with the disciples showing how Moses, the prophets, and the Psalms all tell of the Christ (Luke 24.27, 44-45). One of the joys of studying Scripture is seeing Jesus ...
This authority is affirmed in other scriptures, such as Matthew 28:18, where Jesus declares that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him. I am doing these thingsThe "things" refer to Jesus' actions, including His teaching, miracles, and cleansing of the temple. These ...
But it remained in use liturgically in Jewish communities (who only ever read the Scriptures in their original languages) until it was intentionally revived by European Jews in the late 19thto early 20thcenturies. Aramaic: The Language of Jesus Aramaic is a descendant of Hebrew that was widely ...
Central to Islamic faith, the Quran is organized into chapters called surahs, each consisting of verses known as ayahs, while the Bible is divided into two main parts: the Old Testament, shared with Judaism, and the New Testament, which describes the life and teachings of Jesus. 9 The Qura...
Luke 13:3-5.People often confuse the term perish here with eternal punishment in hell. But Jesus has just been talking about people who continued in their sin, and so experienced premature physical death. The term perish does not refer to spending eternity in hell, but to dying physically ...
A body of principles or precepts held to express the divine will, especially as revealed in the Bible. Law The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures. Law A code of principles based on morality, conscience, or nature. Law A rule or custom generally established in a particular domain The...
Feature 1 – Old Testament References The Gospels show how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament story through constant reference to the Scriptures. The authors assume a high degree of familiarity with the Old Testament Scriptures by the way they refer to them. They do this in multiple ways: ...
The Book of Joshua can be found in both the Hebrew scriptures and the Christian Old Testament. The Book of Joshua is the first record of Deuteronomic history and is placed in the scriptures after the Pentateuch. The Book of Joshua is the sixth book of the Old Testament. Joshua is ...
TWO DIFFERENT "HELLS" — The Greek word Gehenna — translated "hell" in the New Testament — refers to the Valley of Hinnom just outside Jerusalem where, in the days of Jesus, refuse was thrown to be burned. Right: The Greek word hades, also translated "hell," simply means the "grave...