11. What___the ocean such a great place to live? 究竟是什么东西使海洋成为如此优越的生活场所呢?(p.19 第一段倒数第2—1行) ▲ make的用法归纳 (1) make + n. + n. 使…1 In 1849, Marx went toEnglandand madeLondonthe base for his revolutionary work. 1849年马克思到了英国,把伦敦作为从...
三、英汉互译。1.What makes the ocean such a great place to live?2.We will soon make our school what your school isnow.3.Can you easily make yourself understood in Eng-lish?4.我刚一进门,女主人就对我说:“别客气,就像在你自己家一样。”66the hostess said tome as soon as I entered the...
These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of ...
have yet to learn much about them.Life in the oceans ranges from the tinest plankton allthe way up to giants like sharks and whales.What makes the ocean such a great place to live?The answer is water.CHEWICAL STRUCTREThe chemical structure of water makes it an excel...
Glaciersaremeltingfasterthananytimeinover2,000years,andoceanlevelsarerisingattwice theratesince2006. Atthecurrentpace,theresearchersexpectglobaltemperaturestorisebyatleast1.5℃, comparedtopre-industriallevels,withinthenext20years.Thetemperatureincreaseswillresultin significantchangestotheplanet?swatercycle.Areasthat...
文中提到 “Almost all ocean life forms live in shallow waters that are 100 meters - deep or less. The bottom of the ocean is too cold and dark to support much life.”,说明大多数动物生活在浅水区而非海底附近,A 错误。原文说海洋覆盖约地球的三分之一,而不是太平洋覆盖地球的三分之一,B 错误...
现在我恨疑惑到底是不可以加in还是可以不加in,以及原因.按照to live与place构成动宾关系这个思路,live作为不及物动词,place作为名词,两者搭配时需要加介词in.所以为什么有what makes the ocean a good place to live?这个说法.除非有个例外place是个特殊名词,课省略in.反正我各种混乱,希望各位高手能给予解答,一定...
3 The high seas cover about 2/3 of the ocean. But now only 1.2% of these areas are protected. 4 It also requires that research should first be done to see what influence human’s activities might have on the ocean environment. During the past 10 years, the talks were held time and...
For dolphins and toothed whales, this technique enables them to see in muddy waters or dark ocean depths, and may even have evolved so that they can chase squid and other deep-diving species. Echolocation allows bats to fly at night as well as in dark caves. This is a skill they probabl...
We live on the earth.We use the sea around us.What do we take from the ocean? And what do wegive to it?We take fishes from the ocean—millions of kilograms of fish, every year, to feed millions of people.__1__We take minerals(矿物) from the ocean.We can get salt by ...