What type of boundary occurs along a mid-ocean ridge? What are the three types of convergent zones and what happens as a result of collision between those plates? What happens when an oceanic and continental plate collide? What happens to the ground underneath a glacier?
Undersea volcanic activity also occurs when two oceanic plates converge on one another. Over time, this activity can even form new island chains. The Aleutian Peninsula in Alaska is an example of this type of island arc. Continental vs. Continental Convergent Boundaries When continental platescollid...
What happens when two oceanic plates collide? What happens when two tectonic plates collide? Where on Earth do tornadoes occur? What damage can large hailstones do? What occurs when one tectonic plate descends beneath another? Is a waterspout fast?
The outer layer of the Earth is made up of large slabs of rock called tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are usually made up of both continental plates and oceanic plates. Oceanic plates are usually thicker and more dense than continental plates. Convergence is when two plates collide; what ...
What occurs when one tectonic plate descends beneath another? What causes tectonic plates to shift? What tectonic plate is Australia on? What tectonic plate is China on? What is the difference between plate tectonics and tectonic plates? What is plate tectonics? What are the plates of plate tec...
Um…basically, a subduction zone is where two tectonic plates collide. So if an ocean floor tectonic plate meets the edge of a continent and they push against each other, the heavier one sinks down and goes under the other one. So the…um…the oceanic plate is made of denser and ...
Subduction zones are mainly located in the Pacific Ocean. This is because seafloor spreading – the process by which new oceanic crust is created – occurs mostly in the Pacific. Thus the new material pushes the older plates outward and then they need to undergo subduction. This also explains ...
There are two primary types of convergent boundaries. When two equally buoyant continental plates collide, they crush together. However, the second type occurs where plates of unequal densities collide, forming a subduction zone. With a subduction zone, the denser plate is forced under the lighter...
Convergent boundaries form when two tectonic plates are collide. A subduction zone occurs when one plate is forced beneath a lighter plate where it melts forming molten rock.
A divergent boundary occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other. Along these boundaries, earthquakes are common and magma (molten rock) rises from the Earth's mantle to the surface, solidifying to create new oceanic crust. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of divergent plate...