It’s kind of like people who start with the premise that bacteria are bad. True, many are dangerous to humans, but many are beneficial and actually necessary for our survival. Without your gut flora, you would be unable to digest nutrients and die. You can’t avoid lectins entirely. Com...
In addition to these vitamins, lettuce is also rich in important minerals such as iron, calcium and potassium. Iceberg lettuce contains slightly fewer vitamins and minerals than other lettuce varieties. Dark lettuce leaves or oak leaves often contain more nutrients than light-coloured leaves. Our ti...
Are there any dietary considerations to be aware of when consuming kale or lettuce? Kale is generally very healthy but contains vitamin K, which can interact with blood-thinning medications. Lettuce is very low in calories and nutrients, making it less likely to interact with medications but also...
Yes, salads that are balanced in nutrients and low in calorie-dense dressings can be effective for weight management. How should I choose the type of lettuce for my salad? Choose based on the desired texture and flavor; crisp lettuces like iceberg are great for crunchy salads, while butterhe...
Loose Leaf lettuces are loosely gathered leaves of lettuce that do not grow in a head shape. Arugula/Rocket have peppery leaves that can be eaten raw, wilted, or blended into a spread. Spinach is tender green leaves packed with nutrients to add flavor to a salad or served sautéed with ...
These nutrients are also found in eggs and milk products. Talk to your dietitian about how to manage cravings for certain foods. Foods that are high in calories, fat, and sugar should not replace healthy food choices. Some women have cravings for unusual substances such as clay, dirt, ...
Encourage your teen to talk to you or a healthcare provider about safe weight loss, if needed.Adolescents may want to follow a fad diet if they see their friends or famous people following such a diet. Fad diets usually do not have all the nutrients your teen needs to grow and stay hea...
Did you know that when you eat a meal, you are nourishing your body? You are ingesting a variety of nutrients, or compounds, that help your body grow and thrive. These nutrients are divided into two categories: macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, fats, and ...
It is also a much lighter green than most other kinds of lettuce, so that is probably another reason it does not have as many nutrients than those that are darker green, purple or red. The thing I like about iceberg lettuce though, is that it seems to stay fresh longer than other ...
13-year olds with no low-level activity will require approximately 1,400 calories per given day, while 18-year old sport teenagers may require up to 2,400 calories per day. Even though soda and milk contain similar amounts of calories, milk has more nutrients than soda, but the following...