For example, when adding or subtracting numbers, you can pair up odd numbers with odd numbers and even numbers with even numbers to make calculations easier. For multiplication and division questions, you can also use the fact that odd numbers always give odd results when multiplied together, ...
Cube Numbers vs. Square Numbers Solved Examples on Cube Numbers Practice Problems on Cube Numbers Frequently Asked Questions on Cube Numbers What Are Cube Numbers? We know that a “number squared” refers to the product of the number with itself. So, to find a square, we simply multiply the...
12= 1 22= 4 32= 9 42= 16 52= 25 62= 36 72= 49 82= 64 92= 81 102= 100 Let’s consider the visual representation. Perfect squares can be represented in the shape of a square. In other words, you can represent them in equal numbers of rows and columns in a ...
Therefore, given that in each of the incorrect answers there are two options, the number of possibilities of answering and obtaining a result equal to zero for n questions, n being a multiple of 4, is equal to the formula determined for two answer 23·𝑛423·n4 options but multiplied by...
When compiled and run using Borland's Turbo Basic on an IBM PC, the program prints Not Equal! This example will be analyzed in the next section Incidentally, some people think that the solution to such anomalies is never to compare floating-point numbers for equality, but instead to consider...
regardless of the company's overall size. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a well-known example of a price-weighted index. For market-capitalization weighting, a company's weight in the index is proportional to its total market value (stock price multiplied by the number of outstanding share...
The number of annual work hours equals the number of work hours per week multiplied by the number of working weeks in a single year: 153 x 52 = 7,956 For a 40-hour working week, the ideal number of annual work hours for one full-time employee will be the total number of work hours...
How many 3-digit numbers are there such that the sum of their digits is 11? Determine the digits of a number, f, from these clues. The digits of f are all the same. The sum of all the digits of f is 12. The an...
it confirms the trend. The inverse is valid for a downtrend. The KST indicator has nine parameters. The first four numbers represent periods for Rate Of Change (ROC) indicators, the second four are moving averages' periods for the corresponding ROC indicators, and the last number is the smoo...
If the sum of two numbers is multiplied by a third number, then the product is equal to the sum of the products obtained when each number is individually multiplied by the third number. Consider the example: $(2 + 3) 5$ $(2 + 3) 5 = 5 5 = 25$ ...