You'll have an easier time comprehending the significance of this topic after giving it some thought. The vibrations of the numbers 3 and 4 are present in the heavenly number 4334. Because it brings love into the world and all the wonderful chances that go along with it, three, it is tr...
Interpretation:The Star means faith, hope, and positivity. I took it to mean: be still, things will get better. It’s the “hang in there, baby” of Tarot. I was very stressed before my reading so this comforted me. It’s also a card of patience, which is so not me. How I too...
September Birthstone, Zodiac Sign, Flower, Number & More! As we move into the 9th month of the year (the 7th month on the Julian Calendar system until about 153 BCE), we are greeted with cooling weather and the start of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere (basically ...
"Now," Alastair said, as calmly as someone naming the time of day, "the first thing you learn about tarot is that the cards don't mean what you think. The Fool isn't meant to insult your intelligence, but to signal the new. The Tower doesn't signal protection, but chaos." This w...