According to Wikipedia[vi], sequences of Wuhan betacoronavirus show similarities to beta coronaviruses found in bats; however, the virus is genetically distinct from other coronaviruses such asSevere acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus(SARS) and theMiddle East respiratory syndrome-related corona...
thus, urbanization is less advanced there. The second largest lignite mining district covered at the beginning of the 1990s an area of up to 2100 km2which had been affected by groundwater lowering [14]. As an effect of the different geological situations and ...
A nice straightforward one to start us off with. We know from the above that XXIV is equal to the number 24, so all we need to do is find out what number the letter L represents and just add it to 24. The Roman numeral L is equal to the number 50. This means that all we need...
Finishing off the sum is: XCIX (99) minus LIV (54) = 45 (or XLV in Roman numerals... remember the subtractive principle at the start for the XL!) 3. What is XXIV multiplied by XCIX? This sounds like a big number coming up potentially! XXIV is another four letter Roman numeral that...
Generally, the tree species composition of a large number of forest sites in the post-mining areas of Lusatia is still dominated by pure Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands. Such monocultural stands will most probably be a rapidly growing challenge in future with regard to their susceptibility ...
Levins’ index ranges from 1 (one habitat/prey category used) to n (total number of habitat/prey categories). We also computed intra-specific and inter-specific habitat and dietary niche overlap using the Freeman-Tukey index[72]: FTij = Σ (pir· pjr)1/2, where FTij is the Freeman-...