D. Patrick Miller
Type 7s are among the most imaginative types of the Enneagram system. They’re good at a number of things, which means they often have several interests and talents, each bolstered by their large imaginations. These talents make them hard working and productive in the workplace, even though ...
posted07.21.23 at 2:00 AM PST 6 min read Clinically Reviewed by:Steven Melendy, PsyD. Categories: Enneagram Myers Briggs Personality & Culture ENFJ ENFP ENTJ ESFP Type Three If you were born between July 23rd and August 22nd, your zodiac sign is Leo. As the fifth sign of the zodiac and...
Creative, Perfectionist, Anxious: Negotiating those traits and the Enneagram Recently I’ve discovered the Enneagram, and that’s a huge can of worms I don’t want to open just yet, but it’s got me introspective about my personality. What is hard-wired? What isn’t? Am I throttling my...
Most businesses don't understand human brand personality, why it matters, or how they can leverage it. I am going to show you how. What is Brand Personality? The term “brand personality” refers to a product's characteristics and traits that influence how consumers think and feel about the...
“I’ll door slam on occasion, but only if someone is making me feel unsafe or especially uncomfortable. I had an old boyfriend who seemed to stalk me at and just gave me the creeps. I changed my number and avoided him as much as possible. I think that’s self-protection more than ...
When I spent a few weeks reminiscing with myself and others who know me well, I discovered a number of birthright gifts. One day, I felt ready to list them out on a whiteboard to see what picture these puzzle pieces might form. What emerged resonated as true and filled me with a sens...
But I’m glad you’re finding peace that sitting on the couch is OK! Shannon, enjoyed your post too and hope your strategies keep working well for you. http://under-the-lintel.blogspot.com/2023/02/whats-saving-my-life-right-now.html Shannan says: February 2, 2023 at 8:27 am ...
I am weak but thou art strong; Jesus, keep me from all wrong. I’ll be satisfied as long as I walk, Let me walk close to thee. Through this world of toil and snares, If I falter, Lord, who cares? Who with me my burden shares?
So what happens is his nephew gets roped into a heroin distribution scheme and Virgil is the only one who can get him out because of the circumstances. I read this book on my Kindle and it was just fine in that format, although I am curious to hear what it’s like on audio. But ...