Franklin was no victim in how the DNA double helix was solved. An overlooked letter and an unpublished news article, both written in 1953, reveal that she was an equal player.
An overlooked letter and an unpublished news article, both written in 1953, reveal that she was an equal player.#Black and white image of Rosalind Franklin resting on a post while out hiking in Norway#Black and white image of Rosalind Franklin resting on a post while out hiking in Norway...
Rosalind Franklin Laboratory NHS Test & Trace Current Monthly Running Costs Response byUK Health Security AgencytoDan Wilsonon9 November 2023. Partially successful Dear Dan Wilson, Please find attached UKHSA's response to your request. Yours sincerely, Information Rights Team Parliamentary and Public Ac...
FranklinWatsonGeneticsStudents have been playing with famous images for almost as long as photography has existed (Figures 1 and 2). They've drawn mustaches on Mona Lisa replicas, pretended to be George Washington crossing the Delaware, and posed like Napoleon. The image of James Watsonand ...
The immediate objective of this research project is to assess the effects garlic on blood pressure, platelet function, and lipid levels. A search of the documented risk and benefits of garlic intake during the perioperative period has also been undertaken.Rosalind Franklin University...