Cell Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease: What Next?[J] . Anders Bjorklund,Jeffrey H. Kordower.Mov Disord. . 2013 (1)Bjorklund, A., and Kordower, J.H. (2013). Cell therapy for Parkinson's disease: what next? Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 28, 110...
Are they going to be meaningful in treating Parkinson's disease patients, or is it more of the same? John Morgan, MD:I think they have potential to help patients by providing a better regimen to adhere to. [Taking a pill] once daily is certainly much easier than 3 times a day. That'...
There are several medication options for treating Parkinson's. The medicine a person begins early on in the disease, and its effectiveness and tolerability, have an impact on future medication or surgical options. As such, it's essential to work closely with a healthcare provider who has experi...
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has recently been proven to be an effective therapy for medication refractory symptoms of Parkinson's disease. As the evidence base continues to evolve, many important issues have surfaced, including: what operation should be performed (brain target[s],unilateral vs bi...
Medscape interviews Caroline Tanner, MD, PhD, on major advances in the understanding of Parkinson disease, along with potential therapeutic approaches.
M. Politis, Dyskinesias after neural transplantation in Parkinson's disease: What do we know and what is next? BMC Med. 8, 80 (2010).Politis M (2010) Dyskinesias after neural transplantation in Parkinson's disease: what do we know and what is next? BMC Med 8: 80....
Treatment for Parkinson’s disease often comes with side effects. One of them is dyskinesia -- strange, jerky movements you can’t control. You might sway, wriggle around, or bob your head. These movements can happen in one part of your body, like your arm or leg. Or they could spread...
The worldwide prevalence of Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been constantly increasing in the last decades. With rising life expectancy, a longer diseas
with changes elsewhere in the body is long and growing. Changes in the make-up of the microorganisms (微生物) in the digestive system have been linked to disorders such as Parkinson's disease. There is also a theory that infection during p...
Nursing offers an amazing ability to positively affect people’s lives either one-on-one in frontline positions or on a larger scale when working at the system level. It teaches you skills in empathy and communications, which are invaluable in all aspects of your life. And at this point, it...