常见回答:good;not bad;I'm doing well;Fine; Pretty good. 例句: How are you doing? 最近怎么样? Not bad. 凑合吧 2.What have you been up to? 如果和朋友长时间没见面,可使用此问候。 意思是:你最近在忙什么呢?...
常见回答:good;not bad;I'm doing well;Fine; Pretty good. 例句: How are you doing? 最近怎么样? Not bad. 凑合吧 2.What have you been up to? 如果和朋友长时间没见面,可使用此问候。 意思是:你最近在忙什么呢? ...
常见回答:good;not bad;I'm doing well;Fine; Pretty good. 例句: How are you doing? 最近怎么样? Not bad. 凑合吧 2.What have you been up to? 如果和朋友长时间没见面,可使用此问候。 意思是:你最近在忙什么呢? 例句: What have you been up to? 最近忙什么呢? I've been busy learning to...
英语翻译像:I jump into the water.what am 我跳进水里,我是什么?waiter(理解为i跳进了水里)。 答案 1.What will you break once you say it?(什么东西一说出来就打破?)2.Will liars be honest after they die?(骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)3.What always goes up and never goes down?(什么东西只升...
I learned how to build my own image classifier using just a few lines of code and was amazed to see these algorithms accurately classify images. Nowadays, things have changed, and it's become much easier for beginners to build state-of-the-art deep neural network models using deep learning...
Sometimes, the reason you get denied access to a network may simply be because your device isn’t compatible with the router. To solve this, consider using a different router that is compatible with your device, or a device that is compatible with the router. Update Firmware If your device...
故答案为I am a map.I have cities but no houses,forests but no trees;rivers without water. What am I? 我拥有城市但没有房子,拥有森林但没有树,拥有河流但没有水。我是什么? 结果一 题目 I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees,rivers without water.What am I? 我拥有城市但没...
“I am not what I am” 《CSI》里昆虫学专家葛瑞森不仅仅是个科学家,他之所以迷人是因为在科学之外他精神深处的人文色彩,写给萨拉的信并非他第一次引用莎士比亚的话语,而《CSI》更不是唯一让莎士比亚“重生”的影视作品。
be动词用法口诀:单数is,复数are,I是am,you是are,is用作她、他、它.用be动词的正确形式填空.1、what___it?―It___a map.2、___that your jacket?―Yes,it___.3、___you jenny?―No,I___not.I___grace.4、___she his friend?―No,she...
解析 本题主要考查连词成句.what为特殊疑问词,用在句首,可以进行提问,意思为:什么;其后跟be动词am,意思为:是;再接主语I,意思为:我;wearing是动词wear的ing形式,意思为:正在穿着.可知句子是正在进行时的特殊疑问句.结合要求组织句子.故答案为:What am I wearing?