Pesticides are chemicals that may be used to kill fungus, bacteria, insects, plant diseases, snails, slugs, or weeds among others. ... Herbicides are used
Not to worry! There are more natural alternatives for spraying leaves. Here is a simple recipe that you’ll love: Vinegar, salt and dish soap. That’s it! Kill Weeds With 3 Simple Ingredients Start with a gallon of white vinegar. The “average” vinegar is 5% acidic and will work just...
Before you go on a wheat-free diet, it is worth noting thatresearch has found that WGA may actually enhance the natural anti-cancer (tumoricidal) activity of human monocytes(a type of white blood cell). This was seen with select types of cell lines for bladder cancer, melanoma, kidney can...
If you have been diagnosed with cancer do not use chemotherapy; this toxemias the system and kills your body’s natural immune system. If you treat any killer diseases holistically please remember it’s during the healing process that lots of lactic acid and toxins are being pumped into your...
activators. When combined with the other ingredients and heated, nitrogen from the manure is lost, so another fertilizer might be needed along with the compost. The dangers of using manure are minimized, however, since the heating process destroys most of the pathogens and kills the weeds. ...
GM crops creating “superweeds” The widespread use of glyphosate herbicide used with herbicide tolerant GM corn, soybeans, canola, and cotton has led to the creation of herbicide resistant weeds, which now infest 60 millions of acres of farmland throughout the United States. ...
Seeds, such as corn, are sold “Roundup Ready†meaning Roundup weed killer is genetically inserted into the seed. When these seeds are planted and weeds crop up around them, the fields can be sprayed with more weed killer which kills the weeds, but will not...
Composting generates heat - the preferred temperature in the wind-rows is about 60 degrees C, which kills weeds and pathogens. After two or three months when the bark is completely composted and resembles a rich, dark soil, other ingredients (coir, sand, wetting agent, controlled release fertil...
iridescent beetles with coppery brown wing covers. Hand-pick adults of both kinds of beetles in early summer as soon as they appear, and drop them into a container of soapy water, which kills them. Remove leaves they fed upon; otherwise, those leaves will attract more beetles. Oakleaf hydr...
inoculate, is a mixture of micro-organisms and nutrients that are added to a compost pile to speed up the breakdown of fruit and vegetable scraps. Compost piles take a while to decompose naturally, which can draw fruit flies and odors to your pile. There are also herbal and all-natural ...