What nationality was Francisco Goya? What nationality was explorer Ferdinand Magellan? What was Hernan Cortes' childhood like? What was Hernan Cortes known for? What did Hernan Cortes do as governor of New Spain? What did Hernan Cortes find in Mexico?
What was Hernan Cortes' nationality? What nationality was Francisco Goya? What school did Jorge Luis Borges attend? Who was Robert Frost named after? What did Octavio Paz study and where? Who was Adolfo de la Huerta? What is Christopher Columbus's middle name?
What state was Davy Crockett from? What nationality was Davy Crockett? How old was Davy Crockett when he died? What did Agustin de Iturbide do in the Texas Revolution? What did Cortes do with Montezuma when he captured him? What did Hernan Cortes find in Mexico?
What was Hernan Cortes' nationality? What did Vasco da Gama do for a living? Who was Miguel de Cervantes? Who was Leif Ericson? What was Juan Ponce de Leon's ship crew like? What is Miguel de Cervantes famous for? Who was Francisco Pizarro?
What nationality was Amerigo Vespucci? Does Christopher Columbus have a middle name? Who did Amerigo Vespucci work for? What was Amerigo Vespucci looking for? What was Amerigo Vespucci looking for on his voyages? Define Amerigo Vespucci What was Amerigo Vespucci searching for?
What was Hernan Cortes' nationality? What kind of ruler was Rafael Trujillo? Who was Adolfo de la Huerta? What did Francisco Madero do to Porfirio Diaz? What is Francisco Franco known for? Who influenced Simon Bolivar? What are the similarities and differences between Evo Morales and Simon Bol...
What was the iconography of Edward Collier's Vanitas? What nationality was Francis Xavier? What did Henry Hudson wear around his neck? What does the symbol on Malcolm X's ring mean? What did Blackbeard wear? What kind of hat did Pope Urban II wear?
What did Vasco da Gama do that was so important? What did Vasco da Gama find on his first voyage? Who was Vasco da Gama married to? What was Vasco da Gama looking for on his voyages? What nationality was Vasco da Gama? Who did Vasco da Gama work for?
What was Jorge Luis Borges's real name? Who was Simon Bolivar? What did Hernan Cortes find in Mexico? Who was Juan Ponce de Leon? What were some characteristics of Miguel Hidalgo? What was Hernan Cortes' nationality? Explore our homework questions and answers library ...
What was Galileo's father's name? What was Juan Ponce de Leon's full name? What was John Cabot's full name? What did Marco Polo say about Sumatra? What is Caesar Augustus' real name? What was Hernan Cortes' nationality? What is Nikola Tesla's full name?