F# 6 is about making F# simpler and more performant. This applies to the language design, library, and tooling. A major goal of long-term language evolution is to remove corner-cases in the language that surprise users or are unnecessary hurdles on the path to adoption. We are very pleased...
JavaScript’s standard library was created before the language had modules. Therefore, functions were put in namespace objects such as Math, JSON, Object and Reflect:Math.max() JSON.parse() Object.keys() Reflect.ownKeys()It would be great if this functionality could be put in modules. It ...
theHumanLanguage) BUT…inspeech,thereareno“spaces”separatingwords;forexample,consider thechild’ssongfromthe1940’s,beingsungbyBobHopeandBingCrosbyinthe filmandgivenonpage160inTheLanguageInstinct Mairzeydoatsanddozeydoats,(Mareseatoatsanddoeseatoats, ...