James Carville: ‘This whole thing is collapsing….’ yeah right – this one thinks Trump is done for in 30 days. lol – Has he been wrong 100% of the time when it comes to Trump or what? –Rumble Mila Joy: Holy CRAP. Elon Musk retweeted this! – Screenshot Matt Gaetz: I can’...
It was to the point where for the longest time I didn’t even realize he was my grandfather. He was just this man that my mom brought me to visit who just lived in other people’s houses or lived on the street. It was sad. There was no support system back then. There was the V...
But I had a solid base for my one-minute pitch – my query letter for Thirty Decibels, which has actually won its own award (more on that in an upcoming post…). I didn’t think of that first, though. Instead, I crafted a two-sentence pitch for Thirty Decibels – a pitch that wo...
An illuminating conversation on Big Tech with the co-hosts of the Pivot podcast, Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway.
I’ve never really had to challenge my beliefs like this before. It’s far scarier than I expected. Thank you for the skepticism. It’s always great to challenge the way you think.Katrina, Sunnyvale, CA Just discovered Skeptoid, Googling "scalar weapons" after that ...
And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some god-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am ...
But, even better, I did get to see my energetic peripatetic way-youthful mom Penny Hull in Atlanta last month. Penny looks better than I do. She’s also nicer. And thank you everyone for the great birthday greetings yesterday and today. Appreciated. I like birthdays. Well, mine, anyway....
Probably the only way he’ll read this interview is if I print it and bring it into him. RB: What is your earliest garden or plant memory? BB: As a toddler I can remember my mom’s houseplants. My aunts all had the same ones because they traded cuttings. They all had the Achim...
He’s sitting in his bouncy baby seat as my mom croons, “But I can’t help falling in love with you.” Like most babies, Milo was grouchy for the first few weeks of his life. Mostly we’ve only seen him sleep (or not sleep), eat, furiously suck a pacifier while not eating, ...
Hi, I'm Sugar! My Favorite Thing To Do Is Sleep! When I'm Not Sleeping, I'll Be Eating. However, At 3am Every Morning, I Wrestle My Sister And Chase Her Throughout The House. In The Summer, I Bring Crickets Inide, Tear Off A Few Of Its Legs, And Watch It Try To Escape Whi...