Longitudes are, therefore, imaginary circles that intersect the North and South Poles and the equator. Half of a longitudinal circle is known as ameridian. Meridians are perpendicular to every latitude. Unlike, latitudes, there is no obvious central longitude. However, in order to measure the po...
Lines of longitude and latitude crisscross the Earth. A location that is being described using latitude and longitude will have a set of coordinates. Latitude is always written first and latitude and longitude are composed of degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS). Latitude and longitude coordinates ...
Latitude:34° 46' 23.52" North Longitude:113° 43' 19.2" East Precision:1000 km Over IPv6-Adresse IPv6-Access is not available. System Information Computer Details Architecture:32 Bit System language:中文(中国) Input Device:Unknown Touchscreen:not present ...
(d) “3 Word Address Location” means the latitude and longitude coordinates corresponding with a 3 Word Address; (e) “Apps” means: (i) the “what3words” iOS and Android mobile applications, which are available for download worldwide, excluding the People’s Republic of China; ...
Longitude The vertical lines on a map are calledlongitudelines, also known as meridians. Unlike latitude lines, they taper (latitude lines are completely parallel, almost as if stacked on top of each other). They converge at the poles and are widest at the equator. At their widest points, ...
Longitude The vertical lines on a map are calledlongitudelines, also known as meridians. Unlike latitude lines, they taper (latitude lines are completely parallel, almost as if stacked on top of each other). They converge at the poles and are widest at the equator. At their widest points, ...
Longitude: 113.7118200 Distance: 1.17 (miles),1.89 (km) Yanzhuang Location: Henan Latitude: 34.7636900 Longitude: 113.6993000 Distance: 1.45 (miles),2.33 (km)Table of Contents What is my IP address? What is IP Address? IP Location What does our tool do? Is this tool helpful? Yes No Ma...
Where the Earth’s zero degrees latitude (the Equator) and zero degrees longitude (the Prime Meridian) cross each other (0°N 0°E), is known as a degree confluence. What is a degree confluence? Adegree confluencerefers to a point on the Earth’s surface where the latitude and longitude...
The two sections of the hull are about 720 meters apart on the sea floor. The point roughly midway between them is located at 41.73033° north latitude 49.94848° west longitude.
(d) “3 Word Address Location” means the latitude and longitude coordinates corresponding with a 3 Word Address; (e) “Apps” means: (i) the “what3words” iOS and Android mobile applications, which are available for download worldwide, excluding the People’s Republic of China; ...