In 1999, National Public Radio (NPR) included the 1939 Glenn Miller recording on RCA Bluebird on the NPR 100, the list of “The 100 most important American musical works of the 20th century”. The recording by Glenn Miller is one of the most recognized and most popular instrumentals of the...
A melody in music is a simple collection of musical notes that is sonically pleasing. Musical compositions can becollections of several melodiesthat are woven together with other components to make the piece more complex. Melodies are also unique, though some can sound similar to each other. A ...
music is the steadiness of feet and the tenderness of fingers; later, music is the elegance of Pipa and the lingering of Guzheng; when the old song "go to the beach" was popular, music is the neon and Shanshan
The musical scale is a convention which circumscribes the area of potentiality and permits construction within those limits in its own particular symmetry. —Iannis Xenakis 26 Songwriting is different from music, although I don't deny now that it would be nice to have a little more background ...
tuned ears, so something played in this fashion was eventually deemed ragged-time or Ragtime (although the actual origin of the word is more likely derived from the dances or parties called "rags" that were held from the 1880s forward, and at which this musical style was eventually ...
and this is an area in Parkinson’s disease that has degeneration and is thought to lead to some of the movement problems that they have. And so I thought, “Oh, if rhythm is actually helping this area light up, maybe this could help explain why musical rhythm could...
Artists take a factual, measurable number like BPM and sculpt it into musical information How to find the tempo? Space and time aside, finding the tempo is much more difficult—and it’s definitely the most important part of understanding and using tempo. ...
What is the one musical skill that overrides all others? The one thing that lets you make as many mistakes as you want and still sound great? (Ok, that’stwoquestions… sue me) Sounds like a superpower, I know, but therereallyis one skill that, when mastered, will make you sound like...
Beat is the basic unit of time in music, a steady pulse; rhythm is the pattern of beats, a flow of music through time. Both are crucial for creating musical structure and expression but serve different roles.
Although he grew up in poverty, he was able to attend the prestigious Conservatoire de Paris, which meant that he had much more formal musical training on his instrument than his great collaborator, Django Reinhardt, who could not read music. ...