Buttocks A third secondary muscle group worked when you do an inverted leg press are the muscles that make up your buttocks: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. These are muscles that spring into action whenever you straighten your hips, such as when you rise from a squat...
The incline bench press can be performed with either a pair of dumbbells or with a barbell in order to do barbell bench press. This can be a very good strength training chest exercise if done correctly. This is why many do dumbbell bench press exercises in order to build muscle. But impr...
What muscle does skull crushers work? Lyingtricepsextensions, also known as skull crushers and French extensions or French presses, are a strength exercise used in many different forms of strength training. Lying triceps extensions are one of the most stimulating exercises to the entire triceps muscl...
Muscle knots usually happen because amuscle has been irritatedby a repetitive motion. Athletes will notice muscle knots after training one group of muscles for a long period of time. A muscle might also knot up when it’s in an awkward position for too long. Sitting at a desk or drivi...
Bridges are a great exercise to work the same muscles as the deadlift without lifting weights. Image Credit:Vicheslav/iStock/GettyImages The deadlift is often called the king of exercises, and for good reason. It works nearly every major muscle group in your body — the lower, mid and uppe...
A pectoralis major tear happens when you injure your pec tendon or chest muscle. This type of injury is rare, and it typically happens to athletes or weightlifters.
How squats work your lower body #1. Quadriceps and hamstrings Your quadriceps femoris muscle is a four-headed muscle group on the front of your thigh which covers the femur bone. The quadriceps are one of the strongest muscles in the human body, which accounts for the transformative power of...
“skinny fat,” based on your body’s weight proportions, but you nonetheless have some solid weight on you. For these people, it is better to slim down overall before they begin to try andbuild muscle mass. Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t go hard in the gym. It does, but ...
The Ectomorph Workout Ectomorphs usually start with less muscle, usually because we have a history of eating less food. That can make it seem like we have poor muscle-building genetics, but we don’t. Our muscles grow easily when we lift weights and eata proper bulking diet. ...
The upper trapezius is the largest muscle in the back. It extends from the occipital bone to the shoulder blade. The function of the upper trapezius is to move and support the arms and shoulders. Longissimus Cervicis The longissimus cervicis is part of the longissimus muscle group, and is ...