If n < 0, then a more accurate way to compute xn is not to call PositivePower(1/x, -n) but rather 1/PositivePower(x, -n), because the first expression multiplies n quantities each of which have a rounding error from the division (i.e., 1/x). In the second expression these ...
In recent years, many seem to have spent their lives protesting. Perhaps they have felt to do this because they have felt repressed or wished to bring about change or have acted out of selfish reasons, thinking that if they tore the house down they might end up with a shingle. —James ...
This takes the read noise of the camera at the specified gain setting, and multiplies it by 20. We multiply by 20 to determine a sufficient minimal signal level. This is the 20*RN rule. There is another rule...3*RN^2, which we could use instead: MinSignalADU = ((ReadNo...