Each medication comes with its own side effects, interactions, and warnings. Talk to your doctor about what is right for you, and always inform them of any medications you are currently taking. In most cases of bipolar disorder, medication is used to help keep someone stable. Medications that...
Beyond the acute episode of agitation, the best option for a specific antihostility medication is clozapine, followed by olanzapine. Keywords: aggression; agitation; antipsychotic; clozapine; hostility; olanzapine; violencedoi:10.1002/9781119057574.whbva072Leslie Citrome...
You are looking for a medication to treat your pts sleeping disorder, but don't want to use the classic benzo's because of daytime cognitive impairment. What medication would you choose which would have less daytime impairment? Antidepressant therapeutic...
Diclegis is a prescription medication for nausea that's safe for pregnancy. Dopamine antagonists (metoclopramide) keep dopamine from binding to the parts of the brain that cause nausea and vomiting. Metoclopramide is used to treat nausea that comes from chemotherapy, migraines, and surgery. NK-1...
Benzodiazepines such as Klonopin slow electrical activity in the brain,4 which is why they are often used to treat anxiety. Klonopinacts quickly on social anxiety symptoms, but the other potential benefits of the medication can take longer to appear. ...
Which of the following antipsychotic drugs is typical? a) Clozapine b) Quetiapine c) Haloperidol d) Olanzapine You are looking for a medication to treat your pts sleeping disorder, but don't want to use the classic benzo's because of daytime ...
olanzapine Hydergine FanaptWhat can I do to manage AD?You may have a family member or friend who can help you with daily tasks. Your healthcare provider can give you information on how to find someone if needed. The person can help set up alarms or timers to remind you to eat, take ...
In some cases it seems that drugs have been incorrectly maligned (e.g. azithromycin, olanzapine). Which drugs prolong QT the most? Drugs that cause QTc prolongation A long QT interval is most frequently seen with class I and class III antiarrhythmic drugs. Other classes of drugs that cause ...
psychotherapy. Antipsychotic medication, such as risperidone or olanzapine, may be prescribed to help reduce the intensity of the delusions. However, many individuals with delusional disorder are reluctant to take medication due to a belief that they are being poisoned or that the ...
Typical antipsychotics: These are more likely to cause extrapyramidal side effects in which motor control is sometimes severely impaired, causing tremors, spasms, muscle rigidity, and the loss of control and coordination of muscle movement. In some cases, the symptoms may become permanent even after ...