Others suffer from disabilities that aren't immediately obvious, such as epilepsy, dyslexia, or mental illness. There are many types of disabilities, with many different causes, and while some disabilities are congenital, others are acquired later in life. Physical impairments may be the most ...
In addition to general epileptology, there is also a pediatric focus within this medical specialty. A pediatric epileptologist works specifically with children who suffer from epilepsy. Treating children can be very different from treating adults, as children may require different medications or have...
Generalized seizure symptoms include unconsciousness, muscle contractions, and convulsions (which may appear as very dramatic jerking movements), tongue or lip biting, incontinence, and clouded awareness. Epilepsyis a medical condition that produces chronicseizures. Causes of epilepsy include brain diseases,...
Just like type 1 diabetes or multiple sclerosis, obesity is a disease—and a difficult-to-control one, at that. It’s a legitimate medical condition that occurs when your body accumulates and stores excess amounts of fat. Depending on one’s height and weight, obesity is divided into ...
Epilepsy is a neurological condition in which a person has repeated seizures. There are three main types of epilepsy: symptomatic...
Epilepsy is a common neurological condition which leads to seizures. It affects millions of people in the United States and tens of millions worldwide. It's important to know whatepilepsyis, how to recognize what happens during aseizure, and how to provide first aid when someone is having a...
Do not let your child swim without an adult who is informed about his or her condition. Have your child use a flotation device, such as a life jacket. Tell your child's teachers and babysitters that he or she has epilepsy. Give them written instructions to follow if he or she has anot...
What is epilepsy: diagnosis of epilepsy A person is diagnosed as epileptic when they have two unprovoked seizures that were not caused by a known and reversible medical condition like low blood sugar or alcohol withdrawal. Common ways a doctor diagnosis epilepsy after reviewing the symptoms and me...
How is epilepsy diagnosed? Epilepsy can be diagnosed based on physical symptoms, medical history, and certain diagnostic tests. A thorough neurological examination Electroencephalogram, a procedure to check the brain's electrical activity Blood test to check blood sugar ...
If you develop a medical condition or a disability, it’s essential that you inform the DVLA. Here’s everything you need to know